If someone has a question in their mind that the industries should evolve or not. Then, the question is wrong. Because the industries have already evolved. And, if someone is not from an engineering background or hasn’t work in that area. Then, it will be hard for them to understand that. But it is not that complex. So, industrial evolution has been categorized into four parts. That is industry 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and industry 4.0. In industry 1.0 the human hands were used to make a product. But in industry 1.0 it can’t be used for mass production. Then, comes industry 2.0. In which the mass production of the product can be done easily. With the help of big machines and tools.
Then, comes the era of industry 3.0 that changes everything. Industries changed their way of operating. In industry 3.0 automation is being used. Which means using robots in industry. And, then comes industry 4.0. In which everything is connected with the help of the internet. Monitoring of industries has become easy. Fewer accidents took place in the industry. From industry 1.0 to industry 4.0 industries have evolved a lot.
What are industrial solutions?
The industrial solutions depend upon the problem that occurs in the industry. Like, industry 1.0 the challenge to mass production was solved by industry 2.0. The same thing goes with industry 3.0. Some issues have been solved in industry 4.0. And, if there is a problem in industry 4.0 then it will also be solved sooner. But the most important thing is evolution. And, there will be industry 5.0 in which there will be a lot of changes occur.
Industries should adopt the changes
Many industries are still in industry 2.0. But they should adapt to the changes that are made. Otherwise, they will be far behind their competitors.